
2020-03-17 17:57  


针对当前备受国际关注的欧洲抗击新冠肺炎疫情进展以及不同国家采取的防疫策略,世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处高威胁性病原体团队负责人理查德·皮博迪博士(Dr. Richard Pebody)当地时间16日独家接受中新社国是直通车记者专访表示,不存在一种适合所有国家的防疫模式,每个国家应该做的是实施最适合其自身情况的措施。针对德国较低的病死率,他特别提醒,除意大利外的其它欧洲国家疫情发展还处在较为早期的阶段。“这部分国家也许会在接下来数日或数周经历死亡病例增多。”





















世卫组织同时提醒人们要警惕对流行病学数据的解读,这其中包括不同国家之间的病死率(case fatality rate)差异。具体到COVID-19新冠肺炎,那些因为感染这种病而去世的病人平均是在两到三周前被感染的。意大利的疫情暴发和发展要比欧洲其它地方开始得更早,因此出现了更多的病人来到上述的关键周期,这时他们要么治愈出院,要么不幸离世。其它欧洲国家疫情发展所处的还是一个早期阶段这部分国家也许会在接下来数日或数周经历死亡病例增多。





Q: Which impact will WHO's announcement have on the EU and its member states fighting against the coronavirus outbreak?

A: Calling COVID-19 a pandemic does not change WHO’s advice to countries and individuals. What it does do is provide a stark reminder for implementing needed actions.

Q: During the last meeting in Rome on 26 February 2020, the EU Commissioner Kyriakides has told that "we have requested Member States to review their pandemic plans as well as health care capacities, including capacity for diagnosing, laboratory testing and procedures for contact tracing. All Member States need to inform us about their preparedness plans and how they propose to implement them"

From WHO's perspective, how well have the EU member states updated their plans so far?

WHO works continually with all countries to maintain and improve their national preparedness plans. 

A: WHO/Europe technical missions have also been deployed to Italy, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Montenegro, Armenia. We are continuing to provide tailored assistance remotely or on-site depending on the possibility of travelling in the current context. WHO has developed an abundance of technical guidance in all areas of work: we are supporting each and every country to develop technical plans and implement priority actions in the framework of a strong nationwide strategy.

WHO/Europe also works closely with the European Union and the European Centre for Disease Control on all aspects of the COVID-19 response.

Q:  Does WHO have any recommendation on which model would be the best for most countries in the EU to follow or it just varies from country to country?

A: There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every health system is different, the demographics are different so each country takes action according to their national context and the stage the outbreak has reached in their area. Every country should decide to implement the most appropriate measures adapted to the local contexts.

Q: The coronavirus death rate in Germany is quite low so far compared to the rate in Italy. And even compared to the death rate in France or Spain, the rate in Germany is still very low. How do you interpret this difference? Does it reflect a gap of public health capabilities among the member states? Or is it because of the difference in approach as mentioned above?

A: To fight this new virus, there is now a great need for countries to scale up response to treat, detect and reduce transmission to save people’s lives. At this stage it is also critical that everybody join the efforts and do their part. In particular, we encourage citizens to follow guidance from health authorities and reach out to support others.

WHO also urges caution in interpreting epidemiological numbers, including differences in the case fatality rates between countries. In the case of COVID-19, patients who pass away from the disease were infected 2-3 weeks previously on average. The outbreak in Italy has been evolving for longer than other places in Europe and therefore more patients will have completed their final outcome and either been discharged or sadly passed away. Other European countries, who are earlier in the epidemic, may well begin to experience deaths in the coming days and weeks. The case fatality rate can also be affected by the age profile of cases; deaths usually occur in the elderly (>70 years).

In the early stages of the epidemic it is possible that more cases occur among working age adults before the epidemic spreads to older populations, where the case fatality is higher. Lastly, the sensitivity of case detection will make a difference, and national surveillance systems may vary in their ability to detect cases. If not all cases, particularly excluding the milder cases, are being detected then this will affect the case fatality ratio.

Q: China has sent an anti-epidemic expert team to Italy to help fight COVID-19. Could or should Europe learn anything from China? If so, what is it?

A: This is a new virus and a rapidly evolving situation. WHO experts and others are working around the clock to collect, compile and disseminate research findings and information from the field, to learn more about the virus and continuously improve each country’s response. Evidence and lessons learned will help us beat this and future pandemics.



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